These are different times. Now we have the internet. Captain Blood can be played on a PC using an Amiga emulator like WinUAE. Sites like "ARGanoid's Captain Blood Worship page" provide excellent help. So here is my attempt at a character reference for the game Captain Blood. Beware of spoilers.
Most icons have a more or less literal interpretation (even if they also may be parts in names). However, some icons are distinct, special names. It is very useful to know them.
H{Race icons}
H{Individual icons}
H{Planet icons}
UPCOM_BIG{OORXX}The Oorxx are officially an extinct race. In the manual intro novella, Captain Blood answered a female Oorxx's distress call. Once teleported to the ship the Oorxx was dissected and its genes used in order to produce modified eggs. The result was an endless supply of tailored baby Oorxx with "space fish characteristics", to be used as remote-controlled communication probes or as missiles for planet destruction. |
There are two Migrax:
- L{Great Bounty}
- L{Missile Brave}
There are four (actually three) Izwal:
- L{Small Yoko}
- L{Small Friend}
- L{Maxon}
- L{No No}
There are three Buggol:
- L{Pop Unknown}
- L{Morlock}
- L{Good Unknown}

Yukas is the only one of his kind. He is a self-centered politician of few words and little intellect, and lives on the planet Female 021. Apparently he is the president of the Rosko system, much to the dismay of the L{Buggol}. His political adversary, the L{Buggol} L{Morlock}, plots to assassinate Yukas in order to win office. If L{Morlock} already has asked you to kill Yukas for him, Yukas asks you to kill L{Morlock} instead.
How To Find
Via the Buggol...?
Can Lead You To
If you do kill L{Morlock}, Yukas will give you the planet name and cordinates to L{Trauma}.
Communication Tips
Yukas is paranoid and interprets many words (including UPCOM{ME}) as death threats. Even so, he is willing to be teleported to your ship.
Other Interesting Information
The Croolis-Ulv love violence and profanity. Their favorite verbs are UPCOM{Kill} and UPCOM{Destroy}, and they curse in every sentence. The Croolis-Ulv take offense at talk of peace and friendship, and despise the peace-loving L{Izwal}. They are at war with the strikingly like-minded L{Croolis-Var}. Well, all but one of them.
There are four Croolis-Ulv:
- L{Dead Genetic}
- L{Howdy Prison}
- L{(Insult) 4}
- L{Great Destroy}
The Croolis-Var love violence and profanity, and seem to be mirror images of their equally macho enemies the L{Croolis-Ulv}. It seems though that the Croolis-Var has a secret advantage in the armed conflict.
There are four Croolis-Var:
- L{Good Nonsense}
- L{Male Warrior}
- L{Bad Crazy}
- L{Poor Genetic}
There are two Sinox:
- L{Good Spirit}
- L{Brain Radioactivity}
The Antenna are a dizzy race. They have a rather limited vocabulary, and behave very unfocused. You find them via L{Good Spirit}. If you ask about a Robhead planet, the Antenna can each tell you the coordinates of one of them. L{Good Spirit} wants you to relocate the Antenna to random planets (once you've asked them about L{Robhead}), but convincing them to agree to teleport is a challenge. Once it agrees, be quick or it will change its tiny mind.
There are four Antenna. They each hold individual information about the L{Robhead}, but doesn't seem to have individual names. The Antenna presently live on the Kristo planets - Kristo 15, Kristo 7, Kristo 34 and Kristo 08.
The Robhead are a broken, robotic race. According to L{Great Bounty}, is was the L{Migrax} who killed them. You find the Robhead via the L{Antenna}. When you first encounter the Robhead they mostly talk nonsense, but can each tell you the number of their planet.
Once you have told L{Brain Radioactivity} the numbers of the four Robhead planets, he will go help them. When you revisit the Robhead they are murderous machines who want you to destroy certain enemies.
There are four Robhead, but they seem to lack individual names. They are (indexed by the order they are mentioned):
- L{Robhead 1}
- L{Robhead 2}
- L{Robhead 3}
- L{Robhead 4}
Kingpak is the only one of his kind. He really likes to race from planet to planet.
How To Find
You can find him via L{Brain 4} or L{Good Unknown}.
Can Lead You To
After the race, Kingpak will give some unspecified coordinates, which lead to L{Duplicate 4}.
Communication Tips
Mention a "race", and Kingpak will immediately challenge you to one. He gives you the coordinates to the goal planet, and then he leaves. Spirit L{Torka} will eventually intervene, and rig the race in your favour.
Other Interesting Information
There are two Ondoyante:
There are two (???) Tubular-Brain:
There is only one Tricephal - L{Good Friend}.
The Tromp are the least intellectual creatures in the galaxy. Their vocabulary is limited to UPCOM{Tromp}, UPCOM{Reproduction} and UPCOM{(Laugh)}, which apparently cover their communication needs. That in itself must surely signify the happiest lifestyle in the Hydra galaxy. You can find one of them via L{Duplicate 1}. They don't grasp the word coordinate, and cannot give you any useful information whatsoever.
There are four (???) Tromp. None of them seem to have individual names.
There are five Duplicates:
- L{Duplicate 1}
- L{Duplicate 2}
- L{Duplicate 3}
- L{Duplicate 4}
- L{Duplicate 5}
These are the individuals that have their own name and some sort of personality. Some races have seemingly uniform behaviour and no apparent names (L{Antenna}, L{Tromp}), who aren't listed here. Some individuals are referred to only by their race (L{Kingpak}, L{Yukas}), and they are the only ones of their kind.
MINI{Blood;_;BLOOD;_} |
This is you. ... In order to survive, you must find every last L{Duplicate} (five remaining).
How To Find
Can Lead You To
Communication Tips
Other Interesting Information
H{Great Bounty}
Great Bounty is a L{Migrax} living on the planet Reproduction 14. Great Bounty brags about his friend L{Missile Brave}, but won't give you any coordinates.
How To Find
He is one of the possible first aliens to meet. He can also be found via ???.
Can Lead You To
After a little coersion, he can lead you to L{Missile Brave}.
Communication Tips
To soften him up, offer to teleport him and then drop him off on a random planet. Great Bounty will afterwards get home-sick, threaten to tell L{Missile Brave} on you, and finally give you the coordinates to him.
Other Interesting Information
He can tell you that the L{Antenna} knows the planets of the L{Robhead}.
H{Missile Brave}
Missile Brave, a L{Migrax}, lives on the planet Reproduction 128. Unlike his kin L{Great Bounty}, Missile Brave is balanced and helpful.
How To Find
You find him via L{Great Bounty}, or ... ???
Can Lead You To
After L{Great Bounty} has been properly returned, Missile Brave will tell you about the L{Sinox} planet 128 and its coordinates. This leads you to L{Good Spirit}. If you ask Missile Brave about a L{Duplicate} planet, he will give you the coordinates to L{Duplicate 2}.
Communication Tips
He wants you to return L{Great Bounty} to his home planet Reproduction 14 before he helps you.
Other Interesting Information
He tells you that the L{Sinox} code is "Impossible Not Sinox", which is neccessary when meeting L{Good Spirit}.
H{Small Yoko}
Small Yoko, an L{Izwal}, is one of the possible first aliens to meet. He lives on the planet Bow-Bow. (text)
How To Find
He is one of the possible first aliens to meet. He can also be found via ???.
Can Lead You To
Small Yoko can give you the coordinates to ... ???
Communication Tips
Small Yoko is a child, so he will be very happy if you offer to play with him.
Other Interesting Information
H{No No}
MINI{Izwal;IZWAL;NO,NO;IDEA,3,4,7} |
"No No" is an L{Izwal} living on the planet Idea 347. He turns out to be none other than L{Small Yoko}, who used an alias in order to escape the L{Duplicate} (who in turn apparently had the time to take him prisoner).
How To Find
After the teleportation and accidental "death" of L{Small Yoko}, you can find "No No" via L{Poor Genetic}.
Can Lead You To
"No No" can give you the coordinates to L{Duplicate 5}.
Communication Tips
"No No" wants the name of his father L{Maxon}'s planet (Rendez-Vous 67).
Other Interesting Information
H{Small Friend}
How To Find
Can Lead You To
Communication Tips
Other Interesting Information
Maxon, an L{Izwal}, is L{Small Yoko}'s father. He apparently is a genetic scientist, who helped L{Dead Genetic} reproduce. According to L{Small Yoko}, some bad warrior imprisoned Maxon. Once you see Maxon, he is very cautious.
How To Find
You can find him on the planet Rendez-Vous 67 via L{Good Unknown}, L{(Insult) 4} or the first L{Robhead}.
Can Lead You To
Communication Tips
Maxon will only be visible if you have teleported L{Small Yoko} to another planet. He will ask for your identity (Blood), if you know the code (yes), and whether you are a friend or an enemy (friend).
Other Interesting Information
Once you have passed the questions he will talk about how the L{Duplicate} held him prisoner and wanted his help to reproduce, but later freed him. Maxon offers to help you, and tell you to search for L{Small Yoko} (whom you have accidentally "killed").
H{Pop Unknown}
How To Find
Can Lead You To
Communication Tips
Other Interesting Information
How To Find
Can Lead You To
Communication Tips
Other Interesting Information
H{Good Unknown}
How To Find
Can Lead You To
Communication Tips
Other Interesting Information
H{Dead Genetic}
Dead Genetic, a L{Croolis-Ulv} living on the planet Trap 4, badly wants to destroy the four planets of his enemies the L{Croolis-Var}.
How To Find
You can find him via L{Small Yoko} (Small Yoko's father, the scientist L{Maxon}, helped Dead Genetic to reproduce).
Can Lead You To
Dead Genetic will give you the names and coordinates of the four L{Croolis-Var} planets (don't destroy them though - visit them instead).
Communication Tips
Offer your help.
Other Interesting Information
The planet name, Trap 4 (information that L{Great Destroy} wants).
If you later do destroy the four enemy planets, Dead Genetic will be very happy, say that he likes you and suggest that the two of you reproduce. There is no reward.
H{Howdy Prison}
Howdy Prison, a L{Croolis-Ulv}, isn't that talkative to begin with. He can tell you the name of his planet, Bad Trap. After you have talked to L{(Insult) 4} as well, Howdy Prison becomes more talkative.
How To Find
You can find him via L{Good Nonsense}.
Can Lead You To
After you have talked to L{(Insult) 4}, Howdy Prison wants you to kill L{Great Destroy} and gives you the coordinates of his planet, Great Trap (don't kill him - visit him instead).
Communication Tips
After you have talked to L{(Insult) 4}, you can ask Howdy Prison more about coordinates.
Other Interesting Information
The planet name, Bad Trap (information that L{Great Destroy} wants).
After you have talked to L{(Insult) 4}, Howdy Prison will tell you that he knows that the L{Croolis-Ulv} L{Great Destroy} is a L{Croolis-Var}-lover who gives away information for money. Howdy Prison now wants you to kill him.
If you later do kill L{Great Destroy}, Howdy Prison will be pleased and want to help you. He doesn't seem to have any special information though.
H{(Insult) 4}
(Insult) 4, a L{Croolis-Ulv}, doesn't say much. He can tell you the name of his planet, (Insult) 80.
How To Find
You can find him via L{Good Nonsense}.
Can Lead You To
He can tell you the planet name and coordinates to the L{Izwal} L{Maxon}.
Communication Tips
Ask (Insult) 4 about the L{Izwal} L{Maxon}.
Other Interesting Information
The planet name, (Insult) 80 (information that L{Great Destroy} wants).
H{Great Destroy}
Great Destroy, a L{Croolis-Ulv} living on the planet Great Trap, is an informer for the L{Croolis-Var}. He wants you to tell him the identity of the other L{Croolis-Ulv} planets.
How To Find
You can find him via L{Howdy Prison}.
Can Lead You To
If you give him the L{Croolis-Ulv} planet names (Trap 4, Bad Trap, (Insult) 80), he will tell you the name and coordinates of the planet Idea 762, leading to L{Small Friend}.
Communication Tips
Ask him about L{Croolis-Ulv} or L{Croolis-Var}, and he will tell you about his profitable information selling scheme.
Other Interesting Information
H{Good Nonsense}
Good Nonsense, a L{Croolis-Var} living on the planet Trap 2, badly wants to destroy three of his enemies, the L{Croolis-Ulv}. Good Nonsense offers you information if you kill for him.
How To Find
You can find him via L{Dead Genetic}.
Can Lead You To
He gives you the names of the three L{Croolis-Ulv} targets (L{Dead Genetic}, L{Howdy Prison} and L{(Insult) 4}), and coordinates to their planets (don't kill any of the targets - visit the two new instead).
Communication Tips
Other Interesting Information
Interestingly, he mentions that the fourth L{Croolis-Ulv} L{Great Destroy} is a "friend", who gets money and give information in return. You are specifically told not to kill him.
H{Male Warrior}
Male Warrior is a L{Croolis-Var} living on the planet Great Fear.
How To Find
You can find him via L{Dead Genetic}.
Can Lead You To
Communication Tips
Other Interesting Information
H{Bad Crazy}
Bad Crazy is a L{Croolis-Var} living on the planet Kill You.
How To Find
You can find him via L{Dead Genetic}.
Can Lead You To
Communication Tips
Other Interesting Information
H{Poor Genetic}
Poor Genetic is a L{Croolis-Var} living on the planet Trap 1.
How To Find
You can find him via L{Dead Genetic}.
Can Lead You To
He can tell you about a small L{Izwal} on the planet Idea 347, and give the coordinates. They lead you to "L{No No}".
Communication Tips
After L{Small Yoko} has been teleported (and "killed"), ask Poor Genetic if he knows any L{Izwal} planet.
Other Interesting Information
H{Good Spirit}
Good Spirit is a L{Sinox} living on the planet 128.
How To Find
You can find him via L{Missile Brave}.
Can Lead You To
Good Spirit will give you the names and coordinates to the four L{Antenna} planets. After you have done this (which will also lead you to the L{Robhead}), Good Spirit will give you the coordinates to Bow-Bow, the planet of L{Small Yoko}.
If you revisit Good Spirit after also having helped L{Brain Radioactivity}, Good Spirit retells the whole story of you teleporting the L{Antenna}, after which he himself wants to be teleported (without specifying destination). If you teleport him to a random planet, he gives you the coordinates to L{Duplicate 1}, L{Duplicate 2} and L{Duplicate 3}.
Communication Tips
Good Spirit requires that you say the Sinox code "Impossible Not Sinox" (learned from L{Missile Brave}) to prove you're not an intruder. After that he is very polite and frindly. Ask him about the L{Duplicate}, and Good Spirit will help if you assist him in helping the L{Antenna} by teleporting them to random planets.
Other Interesting Information
Not really.
H{Brain Radioactivity}
Brain Radioactivity, a L{Sinox}, is a friendly geneticist living on the planet 256. Brain Radioactivity is looking for the L{Robhead}, whom he like. He knows that you know of them, and wants the number of each of the four L{Robhead} planets.
How To Find
You find him via L{Good Friend}, who calls him Entrax.
Can Lead You To
As you tell him the the four L{Robhead} planet numbers, he gives you the coordinates to L{Good Spirit} (which you already know), implying you should go there. Effectively, he also leads to the repaired versions of the L{Robhead}.
Communication Tips
Other Interesting Information
After pointing you to L{Good Spirit}, he leaves in order to work on the L{Robhead}. If you revisit the L{Robhead} afterwards, they will be all new (and improved...?).
H{Robhead 1}
MINI{Robhead;ROBHEAD;_;_} |
Initially, the first L{Robhead} mostly talks nonsense. Once it has been repaired by L{Brain Radioactivity}, the first Robhead expresses a clear desire to kill the L{Izwal} L{Maxon}.
How To Find
You find the first Robhead through the coordinates you get from the first L{Antenna}.
Can Lead You To
Once repaired, it can give you the coordinates to L{Maxon}.
Communication Tips
Other Interesting Information
Even initially, the Robhead can tell you the number of its planet. That is information that L{Brain Radioactivity} wants.
The first Robhead wont give any additional information if you actually do kill L{Maxon}, just tell you to visit L{Robhead 2}.
H{Robhead 2}
MINI{Robhead;ROBHEAD;_;_} |
Initially, the second L{Robhead} mostly talks nonsense. Once it has been repaired by L{Brain Radioactivity}, the second Robhead expresses a clear desire to kill all the L{Croolis-Ulv} and L{Croolis-Var}.
How To Find
You find the second Robhead through the coordinates you get from the second L{Antenna}.
Can Lead You To
Communication Tips
Other Interesting Information
Even initially, the Robhead can tell you the number of its planet. That is information that L{Brain Radioactivity} wants.
The second Robhead wont give any additional information if you actually do kill all eight Croolis, just tell you to visit L{Robhead 3}.
H{Robhead 3}
MINI{Robhead;ROBHEAD;_;_} |
Initially, the third L{Robhead} mostly talks nonsense. Once it has been repaired by L{Brain Radioactivity}, the third Robhead expresses a clear desire to kill the two L{Sinox}, which seems very ungrateful after the repair help it just got.
How To Find
You find the third Robhead through the coordinates you get from the third L{Antenna}.
Can Lead You To
Communication Tips
Other Interesting Information
Even initially, the Robhead can tell you the number of its planet. That is information that L{Brain Radioactivity} wants.
The third Robhead wont give any additional information if you actually do kill the Sinox, just tell you to visit L{Robhead 4}.
H{Robhead 4}
MINI{Robhead;ROBHEAD;_;_} |
Initially, the fourth L{Robhead} mostly talks nonsense. Once it has been repaired by L{Brain Radioactivity}, the fourth Robhead expresses a clear desire to kill the two L{Migrax}, which seems rather understandable considering the history between them.
How To Find
You find the fourth Robhead through the coordinates you get from the fourth L{Antenna}.
Can Lead You To
If you complete the mission (killing the two L{Migrax} L{Great Bounty} and L{Missile Brave}), the fourth Robhead will give you the coordinates to L{Duplicate 3}.
Communication Tips
Other Interesting Information
Even initially, the Robhead can tell you the number of its planet. That is information that L{Brain Radioactivity} wants.
You don't have to complete the missions of the other Robheads in order to get the mission from the fourth Robhead.
Torka, an L{Ondoyante}, will at first appear in spirit form since she is held captive on the planet Corpo. She really likes you, and will repeatedly help you and provide information. (more...)
How To Find
In the end, you find your way to Torka via L{Duplicate 5}.
Can Lead You To
Communication Tips
Other Interesting Information
Trauma, an L{Ondoyante}, lives on the planet Impossible. Unlike L{Torka}, Trauma hates you and likes the L{Duplicate}.
How To Find
You can find her via L{Duplicate 1} or L{Yukas}.
Can Lead You To
Communication Tips
Other Interesting Information
H{Brain 4}
Brain 4, a L{Tubular-Brain}, is a perpetual number-cruncher who seems to convert every word you say into digits.
How To Find
You find him via Spirit L{Torka}.
Can Lead You To
The given unspecified coordinates lead to L{Kingpak}.
Communication Tips
You need to greet him correctly first in order to get anything out of him. Say "Code Friend Friend" (you can learn this commonly mentioned code from several people, for example L{Small Yoko}, the L{Migrax} or L{Torka}). Ask about "Planet Kingpak Coordinates" and he will provide them (he may ask you to rendezvous with him at hour 125, in which case he will give you the coordinates then).
Other Interesting Information
Not really.
H{Good Friend}
Good Friend, the only L{Tricephal}, is rather friendly. Good Friend lives on the planet Small Home, and is a friend of the L{Izwal}. Apparently he's also a friend of the L{Duplicate}, and claims he have helped them.
How To Find
You find him via L{Small Friend}.
Can Lead You To
Tells you that his friend the L{Sinox} Entrax (L{Brain Radioactivity}) is a geneticist and knows the L{Robhead}. You get the coordinates to his planet.
Communication Tips
Ask him about the L{Sinox} or L{Robhead}.
Other Interesting Information
He states that the L{Duplicate} don't know the L{Izwal}, who in turn dislike the L{Duplicate}.
H{Duplicate 1}
Duplicate 1 tries to make a deal with you, giving you the supposed coordinates to all the other four L{Duplicate}s as long as you don't kill him.
How To Find
You can find him via L{Small Friend} or L{Good Spirit}.
Can Lead You To
The "L{Duplicate 2} coordinates" actually lead to L{Trauma}. The "L{Duplicate 3} coordinates" actually lead to a L{Tromp} planet. The "L{Duplicate 4} coordinates" are to one of the L{Robhead} planets.
Communication Tips
Note that Duplicate 1 is bluffing. You can teleport him to the ship for disintegration anyway.
Other Interesting Information
The L{Duplicate 5} coordinates are the ones to Duplicate 1's own planet, where you already are right now!
H{Duplicate 2}
Duplicate 2 keeps crying, calling you dad and begging you not to kill him.
How To Find
You can get his coordinates from L{Missile Brave} or L{Good Spirit} (and possibly from others as well).
Can Lead You To
Doesn't seem to have any leads to give.
Communication Tips
He obediently allows you to teleport him to your ship for disintegration.
Other Interesting Information
Not really.
H{Duplicate 3}
Duplicate 3 asks you not to kill him, and claims he has an important meeting at hour 320. He threatens to kill himself unless you give him time.
How To Find
You can get his coordinates from L{Good Spirit} or from L{Robhead 4} (once repaired).
Can Lead You To
Doesn't seem to have any leads to give.
Communication Tips
You can ignore what he says, and teleport him to your ship for disintegration.
Other Interesting Information
Not really.
H{Duplicate 4}
Duplicate 4 refuses to let you teleport him, unless you kill L{Duplicate 1} first. Once you have done so, he will give himself up at your mercy. He then allows you to teleport him to the ship for disintegration, while mentioning something about "planet want 2".
How To Find
You can get his coordinates from L{Kingpak}.
Can Lead You To
Doesn't seem to have any leads to give.
Communication Tips
You must have desintegrated L{Duplicate 1} before Duplicate 4 agrees to teleportation.
Other Interesting Information
Not really.
H{Duplicate 5}
Duplicate 5 is the last and final L{Duplicate}. He talks about how you and him are the same, and how you both love L{Torka}. Duplicate 5 will agree to disintegration.
How To Find
You find him via "L{No No}" or via L{Duplicate 1} (who actually spoke the truth about number 5 - he is hiding on that same planet).
Can Lead You To
He gives you the coordinates to L{Torka}'s planet, Corpo.
Communication Tips
You cannot interact with him until all the other L{Duplicate}s have been disintegrated.
Other Interesting Information
He tells you to go and rescue L{Torka} by teleporting her, once you've disintegrated him.